What is THE REGENERATIVE COMPANY? — An Overview of an Expanding Movement, from its Three Principles to its Business Areas

1週 2日 ago
In anticipation of the continuing growth of new movement that WIRED magazine has dubbed “the Regenerative Company”—a movement aimed at revitalizing connections between people, society, ecosystems, and economic systems through economic activities—we have put together the following article in an effort to explain the overall Regenerative Company concept, from our definition of the word regenerative in this context to the three important principles that characterize regenerative companies.

​​ファッションの脱未来:SZ Newsletter VOL.231

1週 5日 ago
わくわくするような創造性と、環境汚染産業として悪名高い産業構造が相まった「ファッション」において、その未来をいかに解体し、新たな未来を再生できるだろうか? 編集長からSZメンバーに向けた週末のニュースレター。
2時間 54 分 ago
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